
Felt Rabbit Electronics Case

Remember the cute rabbit finger puppet that Trevor made? It was inspired by the Monster Finger Puppets in the book, Crafting with Felt (affiliate link). Today, I'm sharing Trevor's next project from the same book. It's a felt electronics case. And, of course, it's shaped like a bunny.

The book has patterns and detailed instructions to make four different felt phone cases: a lion, a bear, a frog and a pig. They are adorable, but around here it's all rabbit, all the time. Trevor does not have a phone, so he decided that his rabbit would be a case for his DS and the charger.


Felt Rabbit Electronics Case


Step one was carefully reading the directions. Trevor does not have much sewing experience, so I told him to read the directions out loud for the animal that was the closest to what he was picturing in his head for the rabbit. That was the bear. The directions were easy to understand. We talked about how to adapt the ears from bear to rabbit, how the face would differ, and what changes Trevor would need to make for the fact that his DS is larger and thicker than a phone. Once I was confident he knew what he was doing, I got out the materials he needed and he dove right in.

Trevor began by putting his DS and charger on a piece of scratch paper to see what size he needed. Then he cut two pieces of grey felt to that size. He cut two grey ears, two black eyes, a pink nose, two pink inner ears, and a white tummy.

He used hot glue to attach the facial features, the tummy, and the ears to one piece of grey felt. He glued the pom pom to the other piece of felt. Then it was time to tackle the sewing. The book has handy illustrations of the various embroidery stitches, so Trevor was able to look at the picture to figure out how to make a blanket stitch. 

It was hard for him at first. He took a break at the halfway point, but came back 15 minutes later and finished the rest quickly. 

The photo at the top of the post has the DS and the charger inside the rabbit case. Here's the rabbit sitting next to the DS and charger:

And the back:

We've had a lot of fun with this book. Big thanks again to Leisure Arts for providing us with it! Leisure Arts has a fantastic collection of craft books and coloring books for all ages. Trevor and I will be reviewing a different book in April, so be sure to check back. In the meantime, head over to Leisure Arts to see if anything catches your eye!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhh that looks fabulous!!!!!!!!! Great job Trevor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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