

The Most Horrifyingly Awesome Art Project Ever

Check out this lovely art that Trevor and I made:

Here's a closer look:

Can you guess how we made it? Here's a hint:

Do you know yet? As you can see, it involved three colors of paint, some tweezers, and one more important item:

A maggot! To make the project, we picked up the maggot with tweezers and dropped him into one of the paint colors. Then, using the tweezers, we placed him on the paper and he immediately squirmed all over. Ours kept trying to zoom right off the page:

Isn't it awesome?! And horrifying?! Horrifyingly awesome?! I thought so too.  

Now surely by now you're asking where we did this. Obviously (I'd hope), not at home. This was one of the projects we did at Picnic Day, the annual open house at the University of California at Davis, where Steve and I both went to college. Each department has family-friendly projects that help teach about what they do. Maggot Art took place in the Entomology Department, where we also saw a hive of bees in action, tasted honey from different parts of the United States, and collected ladybugs to take home. Sadly, we didn't watch the Cockroach Races, as the area was quite crowded. What a spectacular day!


  1. That is horrifyingly awesome!! *shudder*

  2. Had to check this out from your archives... The little boy is so cute! And, I agree with your title! gag, now how am I going to eat breakfast? lol


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