

Ellia at 2

Two years ago today, I had the experience of a lifetime. My friend Courteney asked me to be in the room with her when her baby was born. I couldn't wait for the big day. Each day I wondered when the call would come. It came on a Thursday at 1:30 am; in less than 5 minutes, I was in my car and racing to the hospital 15 miles away.

This was the first, and possibly only, baby I would see born. My son was breech and came via c-section. I wasn't given the option to watch (I probably wouldn't have chosen to see myself being cut open, even if I had the choice). So it was even more special to me that Courteney asked me to be there.

It was absolutely amazing to watch her daughter enter the world. That baby is my goddaughter Ellia. She is awesome.

Here is the layout I made for her second birthday:

And here is the one from last year:

Happy 2nd birthday Ellia! We love you.


  1. Awwwwwwww what a sweetie! I loveeeeeeeeeee the lo's you made for her special days! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. How cute! Good job! Ioana


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