

Kylinn at Five

I met Kylinn and her mom Courteney at an infant storytime at the library in January 2007.  Trevor was seven months old; Kylinn, 7 weeks younger.  The two babies were alike in so many ways and got along so well.  Our families quickly became close friends.

Now 4 1/2 years later, Kylinn and Trevor are still best friends, and I am Kylinn's godmother.  It seems like we've known each other forever.

Each year, I make a framed scrapbook page for Kylinn's birthday.  Here is Kylinn at Five:

And here are the layouts I've made for her other birthdays:

I love looking back on these!  We're so blessed to have Kylinn and her family in our lives.  Happy birthday Kylinn!  We love you.


  1. How sweet you make one for her every year!! I loveeeeeee these! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. So sweet! Love that you shared the past ones too -- what a great idea :)

  3. I love your style. These layouts are all darling. I love how you can watch her grow year to year.

  4. Love that there's a LO for each birthday!


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