

Strawberry Tablecloth Holders

When I found out my goddaughters Kylinn and Ellia would be having a strawberry-themed birthday party at a local park, my brain immediately started going into overdrive thinking up cute strawberry items I could make. 

Trevor and I collected these:

And painted them red. (For the record, it takes about 7 coats of paint to get a nice even topcoat. We should have primed them with gesso.) Here are Trevor's.

My idea was that these four rocks could hold down the corners of the tablecloth on the main table so that it doesn't lift up or blow away.  

Trevor and I drew noses and mouths on our red rocks with a Sharpie, then I sprayed them with a clear sealant. We found googly eyes, and cut green felt to make the leaves and stems. I attached the eyes and felt with a hot glue gun.

Trevor's two are on the left; mine are on the right.

Aren't they cute?! I'm strongly considering making some for myself. I could use something adorable to hold down our tablecloth or picnic blanket when we eat outdoors. They would also make a cute gift.


  1. Such a cuteeeee idea! Loveeeeeee it! :):):):):):)

  2. How cute is this? Oh, I think my daughter would love to do this! Found your blog via Sharon.

  3. Too cute! We'll need some for our camping trip! :)

  4. You are amazingly creative! These turned out so very cute.

    The lake in my backyard... I've lived here 7 years and I've NEVER seen it that high. We were in a drought the first part of the Summer that was so bad our grass was crispy. I guess it decided to all come down at once. I'm not complaining though. We live in Louisiana in hurricane striking distance and I'll take thunderstorms any day over that!


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