

Making a Dent in the UFO's

I've mentioned before that I have a habit of starting layouts, then setting them aside into an ever-growing pile of UFO's (unfinished objects).  Sometimes when I dig into the pile, I see a layout, know exactly how to finish it, and love the results.  Sometimes I pull out a layout, work on it, and put it right back into the pile. 

This one went back into the pile not once but twice.  Other than the photos, there is almost nothing about this layout that is the same as my first draft.  Or my second draft.  That's pretty unusual for me.  This isn't one of my best layouts, but I'm satisfied with it and am considering it done. 


  1. Well I think it's very pretty! I love the photo of Trevor smiling with his Easter bunny cake.

  2. I'd love to know what the previous versions looked like. It would be a good post, following a project from start to finish.

  3. I love it!! I am always in awe on how many photos you put on your lo's! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Well, I love the photo tells the story of a wonderful day! :)

    P/s: I work on several projects at once, gluing down papers and photos. Then I use existing challenges as inspiration points to add the title and journaling.

  5. I am in the process of clearing out as many UFO's as I can! Good for you for getting yours done.

  6. This looks great. I love that the photos are the star!


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