

Tissue Paper Sports Logos (and other sports-themed gifts)

I've mentioned before that my 11-year old nephew Timothy is crazy about the San Francisco Giants. Trevor and I made several Giants-themed gifts for Timothy for Christmas, but since he reads my blog I didn't want to show them until now.

Here's the wall hanging we made for him. I love how it turned out. It's really easy to do.

Tissue Paper Sports Logo


  • a logo (printed from the computer, mounted on cardboard, and cut into a circle)
  • orange and black sheets of tissue paper 
  • white glue


Cut the tissue paper into small squares. Mine were about 1" square. A paper cutter makes this step infinitely faster. 

Coat a small area of the logo with glue. Crumple up a tissue paper square and place it securely in the glue. 

Continue until you have completed one entire color.  It takes a long time. 

Repeat with the other color. Here's a side view of the completed logo:

This project was very easy (no problem for a 5 year old), but it was tedious. Trevor and I completed it in two 1-hour sessions.

We also made a Giants ornament for Timothy. We made strips of orange and black patterned papers and got out the quilling tool. 

Quilling was really hard for Trevor. Look at that furrowed brow.

Here's the finished ornament. I have photographed a lot of challenging items for this blog, but this might be the most difficult. Not only is it glass, but it is iridescent. This was the best I could do, but the photo doesn't do it justice.

Our final project was to make a Giants desk lamp for Timothy. I used exactly the same steps as I did for his Giants wastebasket, with one small difference- I made sure that I was not creating a fire hazard. I carefully chose a lamp and bulb that (hopefully) would not get hot and cause the logo to potentially catch fire. Before applying the logo, I left the lamp on for 3 hours to check how hot the lampshade would get. It was barely warm. I feel confident that the lamp is safe. 

Timothy loved all the Giants-themed stuff. Here he is opening his wall hanging. (It's hard to tell, but he is wearing a Giants shirt on Christmas morning. He's quite a fan.) More Giants projects to come? Maybe!


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! These are ALL AWESOME!! LOVING the tissue paper one the best!! You ROCK! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Oh my! Such thoughtful gifts! Love the tissue paper hanging...too cool! :)

  3. Oh wow, Cindy! These projects are so amazing! I love all of them! the tissue paper and the ornament ROCK!

  4. These are awesome! So creative and look at Trevor quill. That ornament is darling.


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