

2013 Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Every year I pick some crafty and/or creative resolutions for myself, which means it's time to look back and see how I did. In 2012, I resolved to:
Complete at least 50 layouts
Check!  I completed 64 12x12 layouts. It's a good amount for me - a little over one a week.

Handmake at least 95% of the cards our family sends. 
Check!  I didn't buy a card all year, except for the photo cards I sent for Christmas.

Submit at least one project a month for publication
My hope was to have a scrapbook page or card published in a print magazine. I submitted 11 projects to print magazines, but none of them were published. I submitted 20 projects to online magazines and 4 of those were published. published 19 articles I wrote. Fun Family Crafts published 43 of my tutorials. (Ten days ago, I was offered a job as Fun Family Craft's new Editorial Assistant. So far, so good!). Overall, it's been a very successful year for me in terms of publication, but I am still hopeful that one day one of my projects will appear in a print magazine.

Maintain a Monday-Friday blogging schedule with high-quality posts
I published a blog post every single Monday through Friday in 2012. My readership more than doubled in the past year and I hit a major milestone in December. I think the quality of my blog posts is high and my content is interesting. At least I certainly hope so!

Seek teaching opportunities related to crafting/scrapbooking
I taught a quilling workshop back in January, but didn't do any other in-person teaching of art or crafting. (I wrote dozens of tutorials, which is a form of teaching, but not what I intended with this resolution.) The job with Scrapjazz and other commitments diverted my attention away from teaching, but it is still my hope that I will be teaching craft or scrapbook classes in the near future.

So... what are my craft-related resolutions for 2013?

       *Complete an average of one scrapbook layout a week.
       *Handmake at least 95% of the cards our family sends. 
       *Submit at least twelve projects for publication in print magazines.  
       *Double my blog readership.
       *Teach at least one craft or scrapbook-related class or workshop.
       *Earn money through scrapbooking or crafting.

Did you make any scrappy or creative New Year's resolutions?


  1. Good for you girl!! You accomplished a lot!!! Happy New Year!!

  2. Great accomplishments, good for you!!!!
    Good luck on your new goals!!

  3. It looks like you did wonderful on your 2012 goals! Congrats on getting the job offer! That is really awesome!

  4. Congrats on achieving so many goals. I enjoy reading your blog as you work on them. Happy New Year.

  5. You did a great job meeting your goals this past year. Good luck meeting next year's too. (I have no doubt that you'll do it!!)

  6. Congrats Cindy!! I'm so proud of you!!! I remember when you started this blog... has it already been that long?! I have no doubt you'll succeed at your goals this year too!! :)

  7. Awesome resolutions, Cindy! You are an inspiration to us all! I need to submit some of my work, too. I have never done that and think it would be nice! Thanks, friend!!!!! And congrats on meeting your resolutions for 2012, too!

  8. Great job, Cindy! I enjoy your blog immensely and am always inspired by your projects. In my 2013 list are: Make a 40 for 40 list (and execute against it), and quilt for at least an hour a week (kind of like your weekly layout goal, but time based, since quilting projects take me so darn long.) Keep the great blogs coming!


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