

Monster Cupcakes

After making our Caterpillar Cakes, we had plenty of extra cupcakes and green frosting left over.  We brainstormed and decided to make Monster Cupcakes.  Trevor and I went to the pantry and started digging around, looking for interesting materials to decorate our monsters.  Then we sat down to start frosting.  

The plan had been that we'd each make our own, then one of us would make a second one for Steve, who was in his office working.  But right at that moment, Steve came out for a break, saw what we were doing, and decided to join us.  He said it was his first time using a piping bag. Surprising, given how often we use them around here!  Trevor showed him just what to do and he picked it up quickly.  

He was very proud of his Monster!  He used candy eyeballs, three Mike & Ike candies, a gumdrop, and red licorice.

Here's Trevor's.  He used five candy eyeballs, Mike & Ike candies, a pretzel, a gumdrop, and blue licorice.


Here's mine.  I used candy eyeballs on green gumdrops (attached to the cupcake with pretzels), Mike & Ike hair and nose, and a licorice smile.

I love how different they all are.  Such a fun activity!


  1. How fun! I am LOVING how your cupcakes all turned out!!!

  2. This is such a cute family project. I bet you were all laughing and smiling. Love this idea. Cindy, you could alter yours in November for a Thanksgiving turkey. The Mike & Ike hair could be turkey feathers!

  3. You guys are so cute, and Steve looks SO happy with his cupcake!! :) Love this!

  4. Yay, Steve! I'm always saying "Yay, Trevor" so I thought I'd change it up a bit! Hahahahah! But also: Yay, Trevor! Oh and let's not forget: Yay, Cindy!
    Awesome that you all got to work on a project together and they look very cute and yummy!

  5. You guys must have such fun at home! These are super cute!

  6. YAY! Steve got into the fun! :) Awesome cupcakes - what a fun project!!


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