

Project 41: September

It's time for September's Project 41, my effort to try each flavor-of-the-month at Baskin-Robbins with a different friend as a year-long celebration of my 41st birthday.  This month, my companion was my friend Amanda.  I've known Amanda for about 4 years.  One day, I was browsing through the gallery at and saw a graduation layout with the name and colors of Steve's small-town high school.  I left a comment saying that my husband had gone to the same high school.  We exchanged a few messages.  It turns out that Amanda was a good friend of Steve's younger sister.  What a small world!  We became good online friends.  Amanda and I met in person in the fall of 2010 and traveled together to CHA in January of 2011.  We'd seen each other only once since then when we attended an Amy Tan / Kelly Purkey workshop together in April of 2012.

Amanda lives about 2.5 hours away from me, so it took some coordinating to find a time and place for us to meet up.  But everything came together and we were able to meet up in my hometown.  (This brought my total number of different Baskin-Robbins stores to five in seven months....)

On to the ice cream. September's flavor-of-the-month is German Chocolate Cake. It is described as "Swiss chocolate ice cream with coconut, walnuts, and fudge brownie pieces wrapped in a caramel swirl ribbon."

It was so good!  The brownie bits were amazing and the caramel was fantastic.  The amount of chocolate was perfect.  I could have done without the coconut, but it wasn't offensive or anything.  Overall, it was a really good flavor-of-the-month.  (Take a lesson, Triple Vanilla.)

Here we are.  It looks like we were sharing one scoop, but I assure you that she was holding her own ice cream just out of the frame.  The problem with ice cream is that you can't spend too much time working to get the perfect picture!  

It was absolutely wonderful catching up with Amanda and the time flew by.  As we left, she handed me this and issued me a challenge:

This is a Stampin' Up card kit. She explained that all the pieces were included, but that she was not going to show me what the completed card is supposed to look like. Challenge accepted!  I'll share my version of the card next week.

Another awesome month of Project 41!


  1. Awwwwwwwwww two of my fave girls!!!!! So happy you got to catch up with her!!!!! Can't wait to see what you create with what she gave you!!!!!!!!

  2. I have come to look forward to seeing what the new flavor will be each month! And, how wonderful is it to catch up with old friends during the year?!? So happy for you!! Can't wait to see what you do with the card kit - looks like great colors! :)

  3. That's so fun that you met on online person in real life. Love those small world moments. That ice cream flavor sounds like a winner to me, coconut included!

  4. That ice cream was so tasty!! I'm tempted to go back for some more before it disappears next week. :) Thanks again for the ice cream date -- loved catching up with you!! And don't forget that crop we did that one time in Fairfield.... don't ask me when it was I just remember getting lots done, good food from a local restaurant and a really long day (since I drove back and forth the same day!). Can't wait to see what we do the next time we get together.... it's always something really fun!!! :)


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