

Clergy Appreciation Month

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Did you know that October is Clergy Appreciation Month? Me neither, until I was assigned to write an article about it for Scrapjazz. Despite being a lifelong churchgoer, I hadn't even heard about Clergy Appreciation Month and had certainly never done anything special for the occasion. Time to remedy that. I definitely appreciate my pastor.  He's awesome.

Here's the card I made for Pastor Todd. I used the scraps from my goddaughters' baptism card to make the cross. I ran the base through a friend's Texture Boutique using the 'Swirls and Dots' folder, orienting it so that the dots were toward the top (in other words, upside down). I glued a cardstock butterfly in place, then added a line of glue just along the body and carefully placed a vellum butterfly on top. I gently folded up the wings to provide dimension and a sense of movement.  I'm happy with how it turned out: simple, elegant, and uplifting.    


If you have a religious leader in your life, I encourage you to take the time during Clergy Appreciation Month to show your thanks for all that he/she does!


  1. I didn't know it was their appreciation month either!! I loveeeeeeeeee the card you made for your pastor!! Beautiful!!!

  2. I always learn something when I visit your blog, Cindy. I did not know that it is Clergy Appreciation Month! I love the wonderful card you made, and I bet your pastor did, too. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us!

  3. Wow! October is a month that celebrates a lot of different things!
    Nice card!


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