


We're deep into party planning for Trevor's 8th birthday in June.  He's chosen a Star Wars theme. (Sigh.)  With that party right around the corner, I wanted to hurry and finish scrapping last year's super fun Angry Birds party.

I tried a few colors schemes before combining turquoise with a gradient orange paper.  It reminds me of that very hot June afternoon.  I added pops of green, a sparkly white title, a birthday sticker, and a colorful banner.  I'm really happy with how it turned out.  

Wish me luck with the Star Wars party planning!


  1. Looks like a fun fun party!
    Love the bold colors!

  2. Loveeeeeeee this! LOVING the colors and the banner!!! Darth Vader pinata!!! Can't wait!!! ;)

  3. This layout couldn't be more perfect! LOVE the colorful banner opposite the birthday sticker, and the orange/blue combo is amazing! :) You're so creative and such a good mom, I can't wait to see what you come up with for his Star Wars party! Is he excited for this Sunday? It's Star Wars Day, May the Fourth!!! :)

    1. I'm not sure he's aware of Star Wars Day. Maybe I should find a way for Steve & Trevor to celebrate it together so that I can have extend National Scrapbook Day for another 24 hours!

    2. That would be a great idea! :) Almost every year, something comes up for me (either a birthday party, wedding, etc) that lands on National Scrapbook Day, so it's become an on-going joke. This year, my in-laws planned a big cookout and party at the lake cabin. It should be a good time, but I'll be missing my scrapbooking! :) Hopefully I won't be too tired to have some fun on Sunday! :)

    3. I put it on the calendar at least a year in advance and guard it ferociously. So far, there's never been something that I absolutely cannot miss. It would have to be something really big for me to miss NSD!

  4. I so love this layout Cindy!!! The colors are AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see what you do for the Star Wars party -- that should be a lot of fun!!

    And you should totally tell them about Star Wars day and buy yourself the extra 24 hours of scrapping time!! :D

  5. My son Scott will be 8 in June as well! I didn't realize our boys were so close in age; no wonder I love all your pages about Trevor! Scott did Angry Birds for his 6th birthday and I blogged about the layout I made here: with a link back to you, of course, because of the tip on printing small photos for scraping.

    1. I didn't realize our boys were both the same month either!

  6. It screams summer and happy! Can't wait to see this year's party!


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