


I'm taking a break from sharing the layouts I made on National Scrapbook Day to talk about CreativeLive.  I discovered CreativeLive about 5 months ago and I'm in love.  According to their website:
CreativeLive empowers you to unleash your potential by bringing the world’s greatest experts directly to you, live. Featuring workshops in photography, video, design, business, audio, music, and software training, CreativeLive unlocks previously closed doors by making dynamic education accessible to everyone. 
Anyone can watch our live online workshops — for free — and interact with instructors in real time. The future of education is interactive, free, and live now.

If you're not able to watch a workshop live, or if you want to be able to watch it repeatedly, you can purchase the workshop.  I've watched portions of several workshops on the Maker & Craft channel and they have all been outstanding.  I've been watching their calendar for upcoming workshops and there are quite a few that I'll try to catch.

There's one upcoming workshop that I know I won't miss... because I was chosen to be one of six people in the studio audience!  The workshop is called "Scrapbook Your Story" with Lain Ehmann. I am so excited!  I've never taken a class by Lain but I understand she is an outstanding instructor.  Here is Lain's introduction video.

My friend Jennifer (Luvmyfam on was selected to be in the studio audience too, which makes it even more awesome!  The workshop will be broadcast live starting one week from today on Monday, May 19 and also on Tuesday, May 20, both from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific.  You can watch some or all of it for free by either going here to RSVP or simply showing up on the site when it is live.  You can watch or listen passively, or participate in the live web chat. Answering questions from the at-home audience is a huge part of each show.  I'm a little nervous about scrapping live in front of thousands of people, but I'm much more excited than nervous.  Wish me luck!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh how exciting!!! Wish I was off work to watch it!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow! That's is awesome and super exciting!!! I will have to check to see if I can pop in during lunch ... :)

  3. OMG that is so exciting!!! I'm so happy for you and Jennifer!!! Can't wait to check it out!! :)

  4. It is very exciting!


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