

Say What?!

Trevor had a dentist appointment a few days ago, which made me think of the photo I used for the awesome Scrapbook Improv session during Lain Ehmann's Creative Live workshop last month. (By the way, June's Scrapbook Improv is tonight!  I'm going to do my best to play along.  You can find more information and a link to her broadcast here.)

The topic of the layout was supposed to be "Say What?!"  I changed my title to "Say ah" by dropping two letters.  I just realized that I did a layout years ago with the title "Say What?!" and I don't think I've ever shared it here.

I actually made this one in 2008, a few months before the Farewell, Diciers layout.  It's a list of all the words Trevor mispronounced at age 2.  It's funny how many of them Steve and I still say! Taydits (carrots), skum-scream (sunscreen), and aw-vuls (olives) come up at least weekly around here.  It's fun to read through the list of the ones we don't hear (or say) anymore.  Ah, memories!


  1. These are wonderful!!!! I am loving how you documented words he pronounced wrong :) Brookie always said Nindy (Dandy the dog), Cuppa (Cup) and Hata (Hat) :)

  2. cute! Love that you have a layout to document the words!

  3. Adorable layouts! Love the titles!
    Thanks for following I'm following you too!


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