

The Cursive Project: Ice Cream

We've been eating a LOT of ice cream this summer.  Actually, more accurately, Trevor has been the one eating a LOT of ice cream this summer.  He needs to gain weight, so his doctor has prescribed Haagan Dazs after meals.  I'm having the occasional spoonful here and there, as it is almost impossible to dish up delicious ice cream for someone else two or more times a day without having a single bite.  Fortunately, when I took him in for a weight check, he had gained weight.  Equally fortunately, I haven't gained weight.  Of course, I haven't lost weight either. Oh well!

For Letter I of The Cursive Project, we used crayons, watercolors, and Sharpie to create ice cream cones.  We started by using pencil to lightly sketch a triple-scoop cone on watercolor paper, then outlined the design with crayon.

This is mine.  My three flavors are mint chip, rocky road, and lemon sorbet.  You can't tell in the photo, but I used white crayon to add marshmallows to the rocky road.

Trevor went with a Neapolitan trio. 

Next, we used watercolors to paint our cones.  The waxy crayon border keeps the paints from flowing outside of the design.  Here you can see the white marshmallows being revealed as I paint over them.  

Here's Trevor mixing up the perfect shade for his vanilla ice cream.

After the paint dried, we outlined with Sharpie.

I don't think I've ever actually eaten a triple-scoop ice cream cone, and I know that Trevor hasn't. He almost always chooses to have his ice cream in a bowl instead of a cone.  As I was doing this project, I had a flashback from approximately 1980 of walking downtown with my friend Nancy to get double-scoop ice cream cones from Thrifty.  They used a cylinder to scoop the ice cream, and each scoop was just a dime.  Ah, fond memories!


  1. I love them!!!!! and glad to hear he is gaining!!!

  2. These turned out great. Love the idea of using the waxy crayon to contain the watercolors. Plus, the mix of medias is a great effect. Another winning craft for the Cursive Project!

  3. There is just something I love about seeing stacked scoops of ice cream that makes me so happy! These are adorable! :) I remember Thrifty!! We had one in Las Cruces, NM, too! They had a square scoop, and I've never seen one anywhere else. I hadn't thought about that in years! :)

  4. Yummy!
    Just surprised that the doctor suggested such an unhealthy way to gain weight though.

    1. He eats the same healthy, mostly plant-based meals that we eat, then snacks on ice cream, nuts, cheese, and other calorie-dense foods.


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