

The Cursive Project: Vampire

For Letter V of The Cursive Project, Trevor and I made vampires. The process was a lot of trial and error, with each of us cutting out shapes and making alterations until we had a cool-looking vampire. Here are the pieces we used:

We assembled the pieces and then used a black Sharpie to add hair, a nose, a mouth, and fangs.

We attached our vampires to white card bases and folded up the capes. At that point, I added feet because it looked weird without them. Trevor disagreed and his vampire remains footless.

I suggested that we add a 'Happy Halloween' message that is visible when you open the cape. Trevor was adamant that this was a terrible idea, as it was still months until October 31. He zoomed off to look through my collection of stamps. Here's how Trevor's card looks with the cape closed:

When you open the card, you can see the message.

Not the most traditional birthday image, but fun none-the-less. 

Here's my vampire birthday card:

One of my cousin's kids was born on Halloween; we could save these to send to him. Or, we could randomly send them to someone with an August or September birthday, leaving him/her wondering why on earth we're sending a vampire card. Hmmm... which to choose? If you know me at all, you should have no difficulty guessing which appeals to me more.  :D 


  1. According to Brookie ... Oct. is only a month and a half away (her birthday month, so she should know! LOL!!) ... I loveeeee these!!!! So AWESOME!!!!!!!

  2. Those are cute! I can just hear Trevor "explaining" that October is soooo far away, LOL!!! Funny!!! :)

  3. I vote birthday card for an adult and inside you could write: You're ageless.

    Super cute. Love how these turned out.

  4. Hahaha....such a fun birthday card!


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