

Our 2014 Garden

Each year, I make a layout about our summer garden. It's a great way to record what we grew, what was successful, and what was not. This summer, our big success was soybeans. We've never grown them before and they did really well. Lots of delicious edamame! 

One of our failures was corn. The stalks grew about 3 feet high then stopped. They produced a total of 7 delicious, juicy ears... each about the size of a fun-sized candy bar! When I chose photos for this layout, I thought it would be fun to pair a picture of Trevor showing off a day's harvest with a photo of our plentiful soybeans and our puny corn.

Did you plant a garden this year? How did it do?


  1. Loveeeeeee this! LOVING the torn/distressed paper and loving the title work!!!!!

  2. Lol @ your "fun-sized" corn. :) We have never had any luck with corn. We had success with cucumbers, which is pretty much our only success each year. I think we need to try soybeans next year!

  3. Love the little corns, LOL!
    With our kids pretty much grown, this summer we decided to tear down their swing set and build a garden area...
    We got it all built but missed the actual "planting" season...
    Next year, it's on! :0)

  4. It must be nice to eat things out of your own garden. Love the touch of yellow paper mat...matches the corn!

  5. Oh wow! I love your title letters, those are so cool!!
    We had a garden when I was little, but I've never had one myself. My parents have raised beds that they plant peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and some herbs each year. They are usually pawning off lots of veggies on me, especially by the end of the summer! :)

  6. Makes me miss that we didn't have a garden this year!! Wish I lived closer so I could be one of those you pawn off veggies to!! :)


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