

Second Grade Memories

I finally tackled the pile of photos from Trevor's 2nd grade year. The November to June portion, that is. I don't have classroom photos from August-October.

That 'binder paper' actually started as a 12" x 12" piece of lined scrapbook paper. I cut it down to 8.5" x 11" and punched holes on the left, then set up my title, photos and journaling to look like a school assignment.  

I included Trevor's classroom number in the heading on the right. It's interesting to see what his class number has been over the years. In kindergarten, he had a high number (#28, I think) because the kids were alphabetized by first name. In 1st grade, he was alphabetized with the D's and was #5. When Trevor transferred classrooms during his 2nd grade year, his class number changed from #7 (alphabetized by last name) to #3 (the number that was vacated by a child whose parent had a military transfer). It's a fun little detail that I'm glad I thought to include.


  1. This is a fantastic layout!! I really LOVE the details you used to make your 12x12 paper look like regular notebook paper - brilliant!! :)

  2. Oh wow, I thought that was a regular piece of notebook paper!
    And yes, that is interesting about the number!
    As I recall, for the most part, my kids have always had a classroom number in the higher end because they have always been assigned by alpha of their last name and although my kids have different last names, both their last names start w/ "Va".

  3. Love love love love love that 'binder paper'!!! This is awesome!!!!!!!

  4. Love how this was executed...that school assignment idea is brilliant!

  5. LOVE this -- what a clever idea!!! :)


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