

43 New-to-Me... #1 Bamba Peanut Snack

My latest birthday project, called 43 New-to-Me, is off to a fantastic start! Before beginning this latest endeavor, I thought a lot about my previous projects. I had the time of my life celebrating my 40th by doing 40 things I'd never done. I blogged about each in detail, with plans to print those posts as a blog book. That didn't happen, and my year of 40 Things is still not scrapbooked. I regret that.

I decided that this year, I would blog about each of my 43 New-to-Me not right after it happened, but rather after I'd scrapped it. I decided to do an 8" x 8" album, which would leave enough space for a single 4" x 6" photo or two smaller photos.

Here's page one: 

The first new-to-me food I tried was Bamba Peanut Snack. I noticed it at Safeway in the Jewish food section when I was picking up matzo (which I love) and thought it would be a fun food to try. The only ingredients are peanuts, flour, oil and salt, which is going to be a winning combination no matter what you do. And indeed it was. I LOVED Bamba Peanut Snack. I gave it a 10 out of 10. I'll be buying it regularly.

Steve, Trevor and my mom were with me to try Bamba. As you can see, Trevor and Mom both gave it a thumbs up. Steve liked the flavor, but wasn't crazy about the airy texture. That wasn't a surprise; he loves crunchy Cheetos and doesn't like the puffed ones, even though the taste is the same.

Tomorrow I'll share page 2!


  1. What a great idea!! I loveeeeee your page!!!!!!

  2. The page looks great and what a fun idea.

  3. Oooh, how fun! I love that you're doing a whole album! This page looks awesome! :)

  4. That looks like something my family would enjoy trying. I plan on doing a smaller album for my 40 Before 40, as well. I want to remember the fun I'm having as I'm checking off my list!

  5. Those sound delicious! I'm going to have to try them! :)


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