

Button Flowers

While this was happening....

I was doing this.

Trevor has Junior Giants twice a week. I like watching him practice and the games are even more fun to watch. But crafting at the same time is the best of all. 

As you can see, I've been bringing my craft tote to the ball field. After unloading the supplies for the paper plate sunflower, I loaded it back up with supplies to make more button crafts from Amanda Formaro's outstanding book, Button Mania. As usual, I took inspiration from one of her projects, but made it my own. 

Materials: buttons, green Twisteezwire, wire cutters, mini basket, styrofoam, ribbon

The button flowers are very easy to make. Layer a larger button (I used whites, pinks and reds) with a smaller yellow button. Cut a small length of green Twisteezwire and feed it up and then down through the button holes. Sometimes the holes of the two buttons lined up perfectly and I was able to thread through all four holes, but more often they didn't, so I just used two holes. Twist the extra wire together. Cut styrofoam to fit in a mini basket, then poke the flowers into the styrofoam in an attractive arrangement. Add a coordinating bow. Done!

Another great project inspired by Button Mania!


  1. Sooooooo cute! I love these!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oooh...these are cute! Glad you could do some multi-tasking!


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