

Vacaville's Jacks

After finding all 25 of the decorated fiberglass jackrabbits in the nearby city of Vacaville, I was tempted to make a mini book with all the photos I took. Each Jack was so beautiful and totally unlike the rest. In the end, I decided to just stick with what I usually do and made a single layout with some of my favorite photos from our adventures.

Besides, whenever I want to see all 25 photos together, they're right here for me to enjoy.


  1. Great idea!
    When I have a lot of photos it overwhelms me to scrap them all and so I don't scrap any!
    I do think I would still have trouble deciding my favorites though...
    But then again, I'm still "old school" when it comes to photos; I need to learn I don't need to print every photo as long as I have access to them on my hard drive/external hard drive! I'm working on it though...

    BTW - Love that punched border!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING all the photos!! Such a great thing to scrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I remember that adventure of yours. That seemed like a lot of fun. I sometimes make photo collages when I have a lot of pics. I really like what you did with yours and how you got the journaling tucked in there too. Great layout.


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