

Playing with Type: Food + Type

I hope you enjoyed all ten of Trevor's Project Penguin craft challenges! You have until Sunday, January 3 to enter for a chance to win prizes. 

Today I'm sharing another challenge from Lara McCormick's outstanding book, Playing with Type. This challenge was to combine typography and food to create something amazing. Fun!

I was very inspired by some artwork by designer David Schwen:

Here are the ones I made:

Not only was it a lot of fun, but it gave me a chance to play around with the my new Royale Membership at PicMonkey. I wish I'd gotten it sooner. It has so many cool features and would have saved me hours and hours of time (and frustration) in the past. At only $33/year, it is well worth it. (For the record, no one is paying me to say this. I was beginning to sound a bit like a commercial.)

Anyone else inspired to turn their favorite foods into a graphic like this? If you do, be sure to let me know!


  1. Ohhhhhhh these are cool!! And so happy you liked your S-bucks card!! xoxox :)

  2. Fun! Now I'm hungry. :)


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