

Rabbit Crafts (and Craft Supplies) at the 2016 Craft and Hobby Association Mega Show

Pets have always been big in the world of crafting. Many companies sell dog- and/or cat-themed papers, embellishments, and other products to scrapbook about pets or to craft a likeness of a pet. Other pets aren't as well represented, though you can find fish-, bird- and horse-themed items pretty easily. Rabbits are easy to find... as long as you want them to be Easter-themed. It is much, much harder to find rabbits for everyday scrapbooking or crafting.

When I went to the 2015 Craft and Hobby Association Mega Show, I made a point to look for and photograph the rabbits I found on display. You can see them here. They're adorable, though Easter is heavily represented. This year, I photographed all the rabbit crafts, supplies and displays I could find that were not Easter-themed. I've included links to all the manufacturers so all you rabbit fans out there can find (and buy!) these fabulous items.

First up, Little B. They debuted a line called Wooderful Life. It consists of absolutely adorable little figures and accessories that you can use to create a scene in a shadow box, music box, or on a shelf. They aren't in stores yet, but these are a must-have for any rabbit fan. 


Next is Craft Yourself Silly. They were the ones behind last year's Proggy Rabbit and this year they're back with this rabbit from the Buttoonies collection. And don't miss the beautiful needle felted rabbit kit on their site!

Doodlebug Design is a great place to find cute rabbit-themed papers, stickers, and more. A lot of it is Easter-related, but there's plenty that isn't. 

OK, so technically this set of buttons from Dress It Up is from their Easter Collection, but there's nothing about them that is specific to Easter. I love the realism... and the fact that there's a grey bunny in there. 

When I saw there was a company called The Pudgy Rabbit exhibiting, I couldn't wait to see what they'd show. They did not disappoint! This crochet kit is simply adorable. If I knew how to crochet, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. In fact, I may learn to crochet simply to be able to make this little guy. 

There were eight different paper mache rabbits on display (six pictured) from Craft Pedlar. It would be so fun to paint, decoupage, or otherwise alter these guys.

Quilled Creations has some excellent rabbit crafts! Their farm animals set and this magnet set would make a great gift for a rabbit fan.

Huge props to Avery Elle for featuring non-Easter rabbits on multiple stamp sets! I like the middle set best.

Jane's Doodles has some excellent rabbit stamps as well!

Last, but not least.... Mosaic Trader

Yes, I am aware that this is not a rabbit. It is a rooster. And it's absolutely gorgeous in person. I asked at the booth if they had rabbits and learned that the artist does custom orders and can match your rabbit's colors for a surprisingly affordable price. I'm going to order a mosaic of Trouble and will review it for any of you who might want your own. Stay tuned! 

Update: Apparently the person who told me they could do custom orders was mistaken. Disappointing. But I'm happy to have found so many other cool non-Easter, rabbit-themed craft supplies! 


  1. Loving all the rabbits you found!!!!!!!!!!!! And that rooster is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I need piggy stuff! Get on that... LOL! ;0)

    1. Actually, I think the booth with the rooster had mosaic pigs. And if not, they do affordable custom orders.

    2. That's probably what I'd need to do for a llama one, eh?

    3. Yeah, I don't remember seeing too many llama crafts.

  3. I'm not a big bunny fan, but I do like the stamps you featured and could see myself using them on cards.

  4. My rabbit passed away five years ago, but I remember how hard it was to find good non-Easter rabbit stuff (and I'm still drawn to good realistic rabbit products even now). Great roundup, thanks!


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