

Sidewalk Chalk for the First Day of School

Today is Trevor's first day of 5th grade, which is the best grade of all! I am so excited for him and hope he has a spectacular year. I think he will. 

Trevor's school does something neat that I wish we'd done when I was a teacher. The incoming 5th graders are invited to come the day before school starts to decorate the pavement at the front of the school with chalk. These messages and drawings welcome all the TK-4th grade students to the school. Here's Trevor with his principal and four classmates.

The kids filled the squares with colorful welcome messages, helpful hints, the school motto, and the school mascot.

Some of the parents helped too. I made this block about using your WITS to work out problems. 

I also made this one about the the 3 Be's: Be safe, be kind, and be responsible. 

The photos don't do the artwork justice. The entrance way looks so bright and colorful and welcoming. Great job, 5th graders! Have a fantastic school year!


  1. How awesome that they do that! Looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. What a beautiful tradition!!! I think any kid would feel awesome walking in to that warm welcome.

  3. Such a wonderful idea and amazing tradition! I love that you documented the occasion with photos, Cindy! And I loved reading why 5th grade is the best grade of all!

  4. That must have been fun indeed! Hope Trevor has another fantastic year at school!

  5. I love this tradition! Maybe I should suggest this to our school?
    A family in a nearby neighborhood wrote some welcoming words in chalk on the sidewalk to greet kids as they walk on the first day of school.


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