

Unearthed from Circa 1989: Watercolor Island

For Mother's Day, I asked for a Kallax shelf unit for my craft room. Steve and I picked it up during our anniversary trip, since we were right by Ikea anyway. While I was away judging at a county fair, Steve and Trevor assembled my shelf unit and put it into place in the craft room. Exciting! 

Long story short, I'd intended to just put items on the shelves and be done with it, but I ended up doing a complete craft room overhaul. There were too many items that weren't put away properly and quite a few things that never had a proper home to begin with. There were unfinished projects that needed attention and items I'd never use that needed to be donated. What should have been a few hours of cleaning up a long-neglected space has turned into a months-long project that still isn't finished. In the process, I've unearthed plenty of things I forgot I had, including a folder of watercolor paintings I did in high school. This is one of my favorites: 

I'm not sure if you can tell, but this painting is layered. The base layer is half a sheet of watercolor paper with a light blue wash for the sky and a darker blue for the water. I used the other half of the paper to paint a sandy island, the tree trunk, the fronds, and the coconuts, then cut them out and glued them onto the base. I drew the birds with a black pen.

At some point (soon, I hope!), I'll share before and after photos of the craft room. And maybe more of my high school paintings.

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