

Creative Plans for 2017

Happy New Year!

Every year I pick resolutions for myself that relate to my creative life, which means it's time to look back and see how I did. But first, I want to mention the graphic above. Normally I grab a quick stock photo with the coming year, credit it, and move on with writing my post. This year, I decided to use the new Templates by PicMonkey to design my own! I started with their Punkin Pie Template, which looks like this:

I changed the background and pie filling to a light blue, the floral overlay and crust to black, and the circle around the pie filling (which is there, but not visible because they're both orange) to a dark grey. I changed the text block content, color and font, then added a second text block with my blog address. I used the Sparkle Stars overlay to make the 2017 look glittery. The final touch was adding a party hat and bow from the Celebrate theme. It was so much fun and so easy! 

OK, back to my crafty resolutions!


In 2016, I resolved to:

* Complete an average of one scrapbook layout a week.
Check! I made 62 layouts of various sizes. 

* Make necessary changes to the blog to improve the usability and attract more readers.
This is definitely a work in progress. I'd planned to migrate to Wordpress by now to improve the search feature and to add plug-ins that would improve the usability, but that hasn't happened yet. However, I've made some more minor changes to better the blog. My readership has increased steadily over the year, so I'm happy about that.

*Explore and implement optimal ways to monetize the blog.
Check! I've taken in-person classes and webinars about monetization. I am now an affiliate for some companies I love, including Little Passports, Amazon, and these:

   Coloring Books White

Thank you to each of you who has supported this blog by making a purchase through one of my links! I can't tell you how exciting it is to finally be earning a little bit of money from something that has become my passion.

*Take at least one jewelry-making class.
Check! I did take one and have plans for another in the next few weeks.

*Earn enough money through craft-related jobs or blogging to support all my hobbies.
Check! Between my work as Editor of Fun Family Crafts, my freelance jobs, and my blog income, I've earned significantly more in 2016 than I spent on all the classes, craft supplies, and crazy birthday adventures I had.

*Improve my photography skills by completing at least 6 challenges or specific assignments.
Check! I did five photo challenges. My favorite was eye bombing. I also took Andrew Scrivani's outstanding Food Photography class through CreativeLive.

*Do a complete craft room reorganization so that everything has a place it belongs.
This is another work in progress. It's significantly better and more functional now than at the beginning of 2016, but there are still plenty of things that don't have a permanent home. I'm fighting the urge to just put them somewhere, instead trying to live with the most-reorganized space to see where things naturally belong.

In 2017, I resolve to:

Complete an average of one scrapbook layout a week.
* Migrate to Wordpress and make other changes to improve usability and attract more readers.
* Explore new ways to monetize the blog.
* Attend a blogging conference.
* Complete, photograph and share my craft room reorganization.
* Improve my photography skills through classes, challenges and practice.
* Try at least one new-to-me craft.

Did you make any craft-related New Year's resolutions? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Those are great crafty resolutions!! I have not made one out loud - but I ALWAYS have an ongoing list on my head of the 'to-do's' I need to accomplish! LOL!!!

  2. Great list!
    I'm tackling a big project in 2017; purging my printed photo collection from high school through current photos. I printed too many, put not-so-great shots in the albums and just overall have TOO MANY photos! I want to pare those down to only the best and the ones that are necessary to tell my stories and get them all into just a few high-capacity style photo albums.

    1. My mom did that recently. She took out a ton of scenery photos in order to leave the ones with people in them and make the family albums more meaningful.

  3. I love that you have a checklist and are so serious about your passion. Hope you achieve your goals in 2017! Best of luck!

  4. I am still thinking about my creative plans the year, but it would be nice to keep up on photo organization and workflow. Maybe even blog more. Now you've got me thinking!
    Best of luck with 2017!


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