

The Latest Craft Roundups

Time for another batch of roundups that I made as Editor of Fun Family Crafts! First was Flower Crafts. Two of these are mine and three different ones are edible. Can you pick them out?

Next, Zoo Crafts. We have over 1800 animal-themed crafts, so no matter what animal you want to make, we probably have a tutorial for it! I included the most typical zoo animals in the roundup, though. Two of them are mine. 

The next round-up I made was for ladybug crafts. Amanda, my boss and the owner of Fun Family Crafts, LOVES ladybugs and is responsible for almost half of the 57 ladybug crafts currently on the site. One of the crafts featured in the round-up is mine. Can you spot it? (Pun intended.)

I loved putting together this round-up of watermelon crafts. It was hard to narrow it down to which ten projects to feature. One is mine, plus I've added the yogurt pops on the bottom row to my must-try list!

Hat crafts needed an updated graphic. None of these are mine. I don't think I've ever published a hat craft. I had a lot of fun picking hats to put on the title. 

Finally, sand crafts. One of these is mine, which is somewhat surprising since I absolutely hate the feeling of sand. 

As always, I made these collages with PicMonkey. It's so easy and really fun (my favorite part of my job!) They're adding new images and fonts all the time, including some that appear on these graphics. If you've never checked out PicMonkey, please do! I highly recommend it.

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