

Welcome to Troop 482

When Trevor had his Arrow of Light ceremony (marking the completion of Cub Scouts and the transition to Boy Scouts) back in March, five Scouts came to his ceremony to officially welcome him to Troop 482. They presented him with his neckerchief, uniform numbers, handbook, t-shirt, and everything else he needed to begin as an active member of Troop 482. He didn't have to wait long, as his first troop meeting was the following day! 

Welcome to Troop 482 (affiliate link)

Trevor has now been with Troop 482 for 6 months and couldn't be happier. And just like Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts has become a family affair. Steve started out as an Assistant Scoutmaster and will take over as Committee Chair in October. I am in charge of all the service projects and recently participated in my first board of review. Yea, Scouts!


  1. This is fabulous! LOVING the photos and how you added the troop #!!!!

  2. I like the clean look of this layout and the photos capture this moment very well. Yea for families that serve together!


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