

Exploring Arkansas Through Little Passports

Our next virtual adventure through Little Passports brought us to Arkansas. I've never been there and know very little about it, so I found it especially interesting. Trevor and I started off by building a model of a fiddle. 

You have to supply your own sound.

We learned about Bathhouse Row, the fancy old houses next to Hot Springs National Park. Trevor did an experiment to learn about dissolved minerals in water. He put equal amounts of water into two containers - one with hot water, and one with cold water. Then he dropped sugar cubes into each until no more would dissolve. Just like the mineral-rich water of Hot Springs National Park, the hot water was able to dissolve far more sugar than the cold water. 

We read all about the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, then followed instructions to decode one of Arkansas' nicknames. We read that Little Rock got its name from a rock located at the spot where early explorers started a settlement. We learned that there are 52 state parks in Arkansas with a wide variety of outdoor activities to enjoy and solved a maze about mountain biking in the Ouachita Mountains. 

Next, we read about famous events in Arkansas history. We did a crossword puzzle about the Ozark Folk Center, and learned that Arkansas has an official state cooking pot. (It's the Dutch oven, familiar to Boy Scout Trevor.) We solved a math puzzle based on The Crater of Diamonds. Trevor said that when we travel to Arkansas someday, we're definitely going there! We learned how to draw a razorback, the wild boars that are common in Arkansas. 

The recipe in the Arkansas journal is inspired by the Pink Tomato Festival that takes place each year. Trevor made a sandwich spread in the blender...

... cooked up cornmeal griddle cakes on the stove...

... and sliced tomatoes, then assembled the whole thing into a sandwich. 


As always, Trevor and I learned so much during our virtual travels. We're both really excited about planning a visit to Arkansas in the future. Huge thanks to Little Passports for teaching us so much about this interesting state!

1 comment:

  1. That sandwich looks yummy!!! Adam has visited AR before when his Dad was married to his second wife. He really liked the fishing there!!!!


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