
Creating Valentines from Packing Material

You know you're a kid's craft blogger if...

Guilty as charged!!

I collected all the packing materials that showed up at my house for a week, then ran them through my friend Sheena's Big Shot machine. Everything cut beautifully, from bubble wrap to chipboard to that thin foam sheet stuff in the 1st and 3rd photos.

Once I had the various parts, it was just a matter of layering them and gluing them to a white card base. Except one that I put on black cardstock rather than white. 

This one is for my valentine, Steve, who is celebrating his birthday today. Happy birthday, Steve! I love you.


  1. Soooooooooo cool!!!!! LOVING those hearts and what you did with the bubble wrap and foam!!!! Happy Birthday Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hehe...on your list. I own no Crayola products!
    Very cute Valentine!


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