
Felt Carrot

Look at the cover of Kids' Felt Cuties and tell me you are not in love with the Bella's Garden project. It is adorable! Trevor has long since outgrown his pretend kitchen (SO cute), but he would have LOVED this felt garden to harvest before cooking for his diciers years ago. (Where has my baby gone?!)  

Although our days of playing with plastic animals and faux food are behind us, I was inspired to put my own twist on the felt carrot in the book. Affiliate links below. 


Candy-Stuffed Carrot



Cut two identical carrots from the orange felt. Set one aside to be the back of the carrot. 

Using three strands, use the embroidery floss to backstitch partial horizontal lines on the front carrot piece. I made a total of 7 lines (alternating sides, starting with the left), but you can do whatever.

Cut three carrot tops from the green felt. These should not be identical, as they look more realistic when they are different. Put all three carrot tops under the embroidered carrot front and use a backstitch to secure them. 

Place the back carrot piece behind the front carrot piece. Stitch the two pieces together, starting about an inch down from the top left, going around the point, and stopping about an inch below the top right. 

It should look like this before you tie off the floss.

Stuff the carrot with Jelly Belly Sours. (Go ahead and eat the red, yellow, and blue ones since they clash with this project. Yum!) Cut two matching lengths of adhesive-backed magnets. Stick them together, then peel the paper off both. Place them between the two carrot tops. The adhesive is strong enough to stick to the felt, and the magnet will prevent Jelly Bellies from escaping.  

This would make a fun addition to an Easter basket, if I did Easter baskets. Maybe I'll just hide the carrot along with the eggs on Easter morning and let Trevor find it. 


I really enjoyed making the carrot and am eager to try one of the other projects from Kids' Felt Cuties. The Piggy Coin Banks and Taco Plushie are particularly adorable. Expect to see more felt projects from me in the near future, inspired by this awesome book!


  1. Hi Cindy! I know . . . Anne would have LOVED the felt garden, too! I have seen felt products for pretend kitchen's at Target, too, that I know she would have loved way back when. Anyway, your felt carrot filled with jelly beans is so darn cute and a very fun addition to anyone's Easter basket!!! Thanks for sharing how you made it!

  2. Soooooooooooo fun! LOVING how you added the twist with the candy!!!!


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