

Scrapping Christmas Eve

Check it out - a layout about Christmas Eve! No, not the one that just happened. These are the photos from 2015.

Christmas Eve 2015 (affiliate link)

2015 was the first year we changed our lifelong family tradition of attending a Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. The times for the two services didn't work for us for a number of reasons, so we held our own service at home. The kids acted out the Christmas story on the flannel board while Grandma read from the Bible. Then we sang hymns, and lit candles for Silent Night. It was awesome.  

I'm glad to have this page in the album. 


  1. Loving that you did that as a family!! GORGEOUS lo! LOVING the striped paper!!!!!!

  2. Cindy! What a wonderful candlelight service you had at your home! I love all of the photos!! You scrapped them beautifully here!! Magical memories!!!


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