

AFCI Creativation Show 2019

Each year, I start counting down the days to the AFCI Creativation Show immediately after returning home from that year's show. There is nothing else like it - seeing a convention center's worth of new craft products, taking educational classes related to the craft industry, connecting with other craft professionals and bloggers, trendspotting, and reconnecting with old friends. It's the best.

The 2019 show is January 17-21 at the Phoenix Convention Center. The schedule is up and, as always, there are so many fun activities and useful workshops that I'm going to have a hard time narrowing down which to attend. There's at least one class which I am certain to attend... because I'm the teacher! I taught a seminar at Creativation 2018 and had such a great experience that I'm back to teach again. My topic is completely different, though!

Introverts, unite! (In a non-threatening, non-energy-draining way, of course.) Seriously though, I have a lot to say about networking and building connections that I think my fellow introverts will find very useful. I'm basically designing the workshop I wish I had attended before my first trade show and I'm so excited about it. 

Conference registration for the Creativation Show opens on Wednesday, September 12. I strongly encourage any of you who are eligible to attend. Not sure if you're eligible? The Creativation Show is for industry professionals, including: suppliers, buyers, designers, professional makers, educators and demonstrators, digital content creators, manufacturer representatives, and those with a start-up. Read about the qualifications for each and then apply for AFCI membership. Members attend the Creativation Show for free (woo hoo!), but that's not the only benefit to membership. You can see Member Benefits here; there are too many to mention. If you have any questions, please ask! Joining the Association for Creative Industries (back when it was the Craft and Hobby Association) has led me to so many opportunities within the craft industry. Membership is worth every penny, and then some. 

Hope to see you at Creativation!


  1. YAY!!! I can't believe it is right around the corner again!!! Hope to see you again!!! :)

  2. WOW, Cindy! This sounds fabulous! Your class does too!!! Congratulations and have fun!

  3. Yay Team Introvert! But seriously, this sounds like an amazing class. I could have used it when I went! Especially with how amazing Creativation is and how us Introverts may get a bit drained from the excitement.


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