

Invertebrate Crafts for Kids

My page of Invertebrate Crafts is live. It turns out I've done 21 invertebrate crafts, including five spiders, four bees, two butterflies, two fireflies, a mosquito, a crab, an octopus, a jellyfish, a dragonfly, a caterpillar, and a generic bug. I actually have quite a few cards and some layouts with butterflies or other invertebrates on them, but I decided that a card with butterflies is not the same thing as a butterfly craft.

As with the bird crafts, I made a collage of my invertebrate crafts that I'd intended to use for navigation before realizing it was too busy for that purpose.

Instead, this is my navigation image. You can click on it to see the six crafts pictured above, the spider that provides the background for the image, and the other 14 other invertebrate crafts.

Now, what animal category to complete next? I'm thinking fish. I don't think I have too many of them and I am putting off dealing with the hundreds of mammals!


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