

Please Craft with Cindy: StickTogether, Rinea, Bernat, Chameleon Pens, and Diamond Art

I brought home so many goodies from Creativation that I want to experiment and play with, and to then review for you. But the manufacturers were so generous with what they gave me that it would take me until Creativation 2020 before I could use it all. 

This is only SOME of the products that came home with me.

Unless... I invited friends over to craft with me! I sent invitations to anyone I could think of who was local, kid-free, and either retired or flexible enough with their job to pop over to my house on a Monday with very short notice. 

It would be an open house - come when you can and stay however long works for you, or until I kick you out so I can do afternoon carpool. It ended up being six people, including me, which worked out beautifully. As friends showed up, I gave them an overview of each of the products and then let them work on whatever they wanted. No schedule, no structure, just time to try out the items and share their thoughts. 

Below are each of the activities we did. I've included affiliate links so you can try these crafts for yourself!



I fell in love with StickTogether at Creativation and mentioned it as one of my cool product picks. I was one of those kids who hoarded my stickers and literally never used them because I loved them so much I thought they were too special to use. So doing a craft where I peel and stick whole sheets of stickers one at a time is highly satisfying to me. It makes up for the stickering I didn't do as a kid.

Anyway, StickTogether is a great activity for several people to work on together. It's relatively mindless and very relaxing. It's easy enough that you can chat while you work, which was perfect for my get-together.

Any guesses what this design is going to be? 

I'll be revealing the finished image soon!



If you're not familiar with Rinea, it is foiled paper that you can die-cut, shape, punch, emboss, cut, tear, and so much more. It combines the sturdiness of paper with the ability to hold its shape like foil. Playing with it is so much fun!

We got out the Fiskars punches and a bone folder and went to town with Rinea!


Chameleon Pens

Chameleon Pens are double-sided alcohol-based markers with a twist. Each pen has a built-in chamber that allows you to create shading with a single marker. Color Tops allow you to blend one color with another! It's a really cool concept. 

We used Chameleon's Color Cards to experiment with the pens. The effects are so neat!


Bernat Blanket EZ

Pre-looped yarn is super trendy right now, so I was really excited that Bernat gave me a skein to try. I was skeptical that it would be as easy as they claimed, as I have tried twice to learn to crochet without much success. But I'm happy to report that it was very easy... and a lot of fun!

Five of us took turns working on the scarf and before we knew it, we'd nearly finished the skein. It was at that point that we checked to see how long the scarf was. Answer: hilariously, ridiculously long! Here's a really poor quality bathroom selfie so you can see how my new scarf fits me:

I realize that when I loop it around my neck, the ends won't be dragging on the ground, but I need to wrap it at least three times to get the ends short enough and that's uncomfortable for me. My plan is to undo about a foot and bind it off so my scarf fits me more comfortably. And the next time I use Bernat's EZ yarn to make a scarf, I'll know not to use up the whole skein before checking the length!! Speaking of checking, click the link to see all the fun solids and blends they have. 


Leisure Arts Diamond Art

I'd done (and loved) Diamond Dotz before, so I was really excited to learn that Leisure Arts is now making their own Diamond Art, powered by Diamond Dotz. Same great product, tons of great designs! None of my friends had done any sort of diamond art. 

Also new to them: My Brightech lamp. I captured the jaw drop when she realized that the lamp provided enough magnification and glare-free light that she didn't need her glasses. Honestly, you all need to get this lamp. I am now using it nearly every day for one thing or another. It can sit on the floor or a tabletop, is super easy to adjust, and makes crafting in the evenings (or on overcast days) a piece of cake. The magnification is a super awesome bonus. 



Wizardi is another manufacturer of diamond art, with designs on either wood and on canvas. They sent me home with a wooden dreamcatcher kit to try. 

There are several key differences between Leisure Arts' Diamond Art and Wizardi. Everybody tried both. I'll be showing the finished projects and doing a thorough comparison of the two soon. 


I had so much fun during 'Please Craft with Cindy' that it is going to be a regular event. If you're local to me and would like to join in the fun sometime, let me know and I'll add you to my list!


  1. How fun you had them come over! I wish I lived closer!!!! Can't wait to see what the sticker image will be!!!!!!!!!

  2. How fun for some lucky people who live close to you!


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