

Exploring Arizona

I made this layout for a travel challenge at Scrapbook and Cards Today. It's from 2017, when the Creativation Show moved to Phoenix from Anaheim. Steve and Trevor went along, and my aunt and uncle met us there. While Aunt Vickie and I attended the show, the guys filled their days with adventures.

Arizona 2017 (affiliate link)

This layout was difficult for me, but I couldn't figure out why for the longest time. I think it's because some of the photos have an orange cast that looked really weird with the warm colors I was trying to use. When I switched to the cool green and neutrals, I was happier with the results. I think I'm going to do some color correction and reprint the worst of the photos. I think I'll like the layout more if I do. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I recognize some of those places! LOL!! I love this!! I think it looks great with the green!!!!!


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