

Trouble on the Landing

The first timed National Scrapbook Day challenge at was ridiculously easy. The second timed challenge made up for that! The goal was to include washi tape, embossing, and a stencil on a single layout... three things I almost never put on layouts. Fortunately, I have plenty of washi tape, a handful of stencils, and a stash of cardstock scraps that I embossed with a friend's machine years ago, specifically to have on hand for occasions like this.

Here's what I made:

Trouble on the Landing (affiliate link)

It's not something I would have made without the challenge, which is the very reason I do challenges. I'm happy with how it turned out. Really, you can't go wrong with a layout featuring a picture of the world's cutest rabbit lounging on the landing in his Superman pose. 


  1. Super cute! I love the washi and where you placed it!

  2. I love how his name helps create the PERFECT title!!!!!! I loveeeeeeee this!!!!!!

  3. Nicely done! Love the graphic feel!


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