
Llama Diamond Art Altered Journal

I've been waiting a LONG time to share this with you and I finally can! I made this Llama Diamond Art Altered Notebook in February using supplies I received at the FaveCrafts Blogger Networking Event during Creativation. This post contains affiliate links. 


Llama Diamond Art Altered Notebook



The first thing I did was complete the llama Diamond Art. I see no reason why a llama should be subject to drama....   


... so I used the microtip scissors to carefully cut the llama away from the rest of the canvas. No drama for you, llama! 

I grew up with dogs and like them just fine, but didn't see myself using a 'Dog is Love' journal, so....

.... I painted over the design. I used Folk Art's multi-surface acrylic and applied a very thin coat.

When it was dry, I added another thin coat going the opposite direction. I added a third coat going the original direction, though it really wasn't necessary. Two coats gave good coverage.

Next, I cut out 'LOVE' from the Kindness Matters coloring book. 

I colored the letters black and the interior of the O and the E a hot pink that matched the color in the Diamond Art. 

I applied a thin coat of Mod Podge to the front of the book, then positioned the letters. I added two more coats of Mod Podge over the entire front cover, allowing plenty of drying time between coats. 

I used the Supertite glue to attach the llama to the front cover, then used a few of the leftover Dotz to fill in the letters.

I am so happy with how the completed journal turned out!

No drama for you, llama! Only love.


  1. Hehe on the no drama for the llama...
    Turned out super cute!

  2. OMYGOSH!!!! This is just FABULOUS!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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