


During our family reunion in Bandon, Oregon in 2017, it was important to me to get a photo of my sister and me with our two cousins. The four of us posed for a very nice photo on the beach... then two seconds later, Matt put Kari and me in a headlock and Tim popped up the bunny ears. I love the contrast between the two photos!   

KMCT (affiliate link)

I titled the page with our initials (Kari, Matt, Cindy and Tim). Then I searched through all my word stickers to act as my journaling. I added Treasured, Family, and Moments to the first photo, then Yup, So Typical, and a wink to the second picture. All the details about the what-where-when are on the previous layout in the album, so I didn't feel like I needed to add those on this one. I like the simplicity. 

It's been two years since I've seen Matt and Tim and the rest of the extended family, but I don't have to wait much longer! We're all meeting in Boise soon for another reunion. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. 


  1. These are the kind of fun real photos I love to scrap! Great job!

  2. Loveeeeeeee this!!!! LOVING the two photos ... the second one is perfect!!!!!!


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