

Washi Tape Christmas Gift Tags

I recently added to my washi tape storage, as my collection of this handy little tape has grown to a ridiculous size. I now have three full dowels of regular washi, plus a fourth for holiday washi. While I was organizing it, I whipped up a few gift tags using 8 different Christmas washi tapes. Affiliate links below. 

Washi Tape Christmas Gift Tags



Cut white cardstock into 4" x 2" rectangles. Cut off two corners to make the tag shape. Tear lengths of washi tape to decorate the front of the tag. Wrap the excess washi around to the back.

Cut a piece of complementary cardstock slightly bigger than the white tag, then glue the two pieces together. (This isn't necessary, but it hides the back where you've wrapped the extra washi.) Punch a hole at the top of the tag.

Cut two 6" lengths of yarn. Fold them in half and add them to the tag using a lark's head knot. Trim the ends so they are even.

Write TO and FROM on the tag and it's ready to go!


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