

Camp Meriwether

I've mentioned before how hard it is for me to scrap events that I didn't attend, and for the most part, I don't... except for Trevor's Scout trips. Scouting is a huge part of his life and it's important to me that his major outings are in the albums. When he gets home from a trip, I write down the stories he tells me and pay attention to which photos he's most excited to show me. Then, when I finally get around to scrapping the trip (in this case, 8 months later), I know what pictures to use and my journaling is basically ready to go. 

Camp Meriwether (affiliate link)

This layout came together quickly and easily. Some of the smaller details (the green borders and heart) are perhaps too subtle when combined with the bold camping-themed die cuts, but I like that they form a secondary visual triangle that links my favorite pictures of Trevor. 


  1. LOVE how this turned out. I think you could do the creative arrangement but let Trevor write his own journaling.

    P/s: I don't scrapbook events/vacations I wasn't involved with. I'm already too much behind. ;)

    1. Unfortunately, Trevor hates writing. He reluctantly does the journaling in his 50 State album, but if I want the stories on layouts, I'm the one who has to write them.


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