Today's layout is all about our work with our local Food Bank. Our family has supported the Food Bank financially and volunteered at the warehouse packing food frequently over the years. (I even held Steve's surprise 40th birthday party there!)
Last September, Trevor began work on the Citizenship in the Community merit badge, which requires 8 hours of volunteer service to a charitable organization within the community. Of course, he chose the Food Bank. We worked three two-hour shifts in the warehouse bagging produce ("we" since volunteers under age 16 need a parent with them) and two 1.5 hour shifts distributing the produce. This was the first time we'd done distribution. We loved it so much that we have done a regular biweekly shift ever since! In October, we attended Empty Bowls for the first time and really enjoyed it. Empty Bowls will be an annual event for us now.

As I'm sure you can imagine, the Food Bank provides an essential service and is remaining open during the pandemic. More people than ever need food and the Food Bank needs healthy volunteers and financial donations to keep up their mission. You can donate or search through volunteer opportunities here.
I am taking California's stay-at-home mandate very seriously, but after careful consideration and learning about the policies the Food Bank has put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, I did my regular food distribution shift last Friday. We had a record number of people come to get fresh produce. I am very glad I am able to help provide this essential service. We're all in this together.
I am taking California's stay-at-home mandate very seriously, but after careful consideration and learning about the policies the Food Bank has put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, I did my regular food distribution shift last Friday. We had a record number of people come to get fresh produce. I am very glad I am able to help provide this essential service. We're all in this together.
Love love love this! LOVING the photos and the fruits!!!!