

BSA Personalized Patch Pouch

With the stay-at-home order in place, you might think that scouting is on pause. I'm happy to report that is not the case. Trevor's troop is meeting weekly via Zoom, holding games nights and other fun activities, and continuing to learn skills and work on merit badges. 

I'm counseling six Scouts working on the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. Ordinarily, Scouts keep their own blue cards (the cards they use to record progress on merit badges, so named because they are literally blue), but since we are not meeting in person, I am holding onto all of the blue cards. I made myself this pouch to hold them:

Once life is back to normal and the Scouts keep their own in-progress blue cards, I'll be able to use the pouch to hold patches. A Scout could use a pouch like this to hold blue cards, temporary patches, or a bunch of other Scout-related stuff. Affiliate links below. 


BSA Patch Pouch



Gather your materials. I used a Marvy Uchida zippered pouch that I had on hand, plus a commemorative patch from our BSA Council that fit perfectly over the logo I wanted to hide. (No offense to Marvy Uchida. I LOVE their products, particularly the Clever Lever punches and my all-time favorite pens.)

I positioned the patch over the logo, then arranged the stamps below it. I love this stamp set because everything lines up beautifully and you can see exactly where it will stamp. (Since there is only one of each letter and there are duplicate letters in DEROSIER, I just used another letter of the same size as a place holder for spacing.) When the spacing is correct, lift each letter, ink it, and stamp it onto the canvas. Don't worry about getting perfect ink coverage. You can fill in any empty or light spots with the Sharpie Extreme. 

Use the stencil and the fingertip dauber to create the line of fleurs de lis. Go over them with the Sharpie Extreme.

Now sew the patch in place. 

Voila! A perfect personalized patch pouch. 

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