

First Day of 9th Grade

Trevor started high school in August. For the first time since preschool, there was no school supply list, and no shopping for a new backpack, lunchbox, or clothes. No packing a lunch, no drive, and no meeting up with friends. Of all the things that COVID-19 has changed in our lives, nothing has had as big of an impact as the schools going to 100% distance learning. 

We are lucky, as Trevor's school year has gone very well so far. I love having Trevor home with us all day. He is old enough to do schoolwork independently, yet I'm here on the rare occasion he needs my help. He is a very conscientious and hardworking student, so I don't need to monitor his work or tell him to study. His teachers, principal, and counselor are doing a fantastic job with online learning. It's not ideal, but it's working. 

Our tradition is that I take Trevor's photo in the backyard just before school on the first day. (By fun coincidence, our new fence was installed the previous day, so this was the first-ever picture of it.) Ordinarily, I would have taken a photo of him in front of his new school, but instead I took a picture of him sitting at his desk in our family room. 

First Day of 9th Grade (affiliate link)

When school started, we knew that the kids would be 100% virtual through at least October 16. The school board meets on October 5 to either extend that date or move toward the next level toward in-person instruction.

What's the current school situation where you are?

1 comment:

  1. You have a great kid and I can tell that he brings you much joy!
    Kids have been back in school for a while now. Occasionally, there might be days where there have online learning. Masks are mandatory though.


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