My nephew, Timothy, turns 20 today. He is not in prison. It's a good thing he isn't, or I would not have been able to mail this card to him.
I've learned through friends who are cardmakers that any cards you send to a prisoner can't have layers. This card has a lot of layers. Layers that are perfect for hiding things.
When Timothy opens this card, he will find that single dollar bill inside. I've been giving Timothy money gifts for years, so I am counting on the fact that he will know that there is more money hidden somewhere in the card. After all, I've given him gifts with money hidden inside of things like a can of pineapple and a real (seemingly intact) egg. He's always a little suspicious when I give him a gift. I live for him to smirk, raise a single eyebrow, and mutter "clever" in my direction when he opens it. (Note to self: Make a scrapbook layout with Timothy smirk-opening my gifts.) Affiliate links below.
Hidden Money Birthday Card
Cut a card base from the patterned paper. Fold it in half. Then cut out the layers: a rectangle of white cardstock that is slightly smaller than the card base; an orange rectangle to hold the cake; a yellow rectangle slightly larger than the orange rectangle, and three strips of green cardstock. Cut a candle flame from the yellow scraps.
Fold one of the bills in half lengthwise, then roll it as tightly as possible. Wrap one green cardstock strip around it, then glue the end in place to make the candle.

Wrap it tightly with a rubber band so that it doesn't come apart before the glue dries. Then start assembling your layers. The white cardstock is slightly larger than a bill, so I didn't have to fold that one. I just put glue along the outer edges of the white cardstock (keeping the glue far away from the money) and then attached it to the polka dot background.
I folded a bill to fit between the white and yellow layers.
There's another bill between the yellow and the orange layers.
Here are all the places money is hiding:
I understand why prisoners can't receive cards with layers. In addition to money, you could hide all sorts of escape plans, maps, and assorted contraband in there. Would you have suspected this card was hiding so much cash?
Happy birthday, Timothy! We wish we could celebrate with you in person. Enjoy your day and may 20 be your best year so far.
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