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Multiplication Facts Bracelets: A Way to Teach Times Tables with Kids
Multiplication Facts Bracelets

Candy Cardinals
Candy Cardinals

Nine Awesome Restaurant Chains You'll Only Find in California
This has the potential to be one of those blog posts that is out of date ten minutes after I publish it, but as of today, you can only enjoy the following chain restaurants in the Golden State.
Nine Awesome Restaurant Chains You'll Only Find in California
So that's my list of 9 restaurant chains that you should definitely try when you're in California. Are there any I missed? Let me know in the comments!

Pretzel Raccoon Craft
Edible Pretzel Raccoons

Decoupage Scout Sign from a Paper Bag
- unfinished wood panel
- Folk Art paint - black
- paper bag with logo
- microtip scissors
- Mod Podge

Bake and Be Blessed - Streamlined (No-Knead) White Bread
Streamlined White Bread

Asparagus and Potato Soup
Asparagus and Potato Soup
2 T. oil

Nine Awesome Restaurant Chains That Aren't in California but Should Be
Nine Awesome Restaurant Chains That (Sadly) Aren't in California
The Flying Biscuit Cafe is an Atlanta favorite. Since 1993, they've been serving some of the best all-day breakfast you'll find anywhere. Their biscuits with apple butter alone are worth a trip to Atlanta, but everything else they serve is equally fantastic. Definitely get pancakes with pecan butter and don't skip the grits! There are now 15 locations in Georgia, 5 in Norther Carolina, 3 in South Carolina, 2 each in Alabama and Florida, and one in Texas. We enjoyed The Flying Biscuit Cafe during our January 2022 trip to Atlanta.
Boise Fry Company should be a destination for all french fry fans, which is to say, everyone! When you order, you choose your potato (Russet, Red, Gold, Purple, Yam, or Sweet) and the style (Regular, Homestyle, Curly, Shoestring, and Po'ball). They have a buffet of interesting (and unusual) ketchups and dips to try with them. Definitely don't skip their burgers or their housemade sodas - they're delicious. The first Boise Fry Company opened in 2009. There are now six locations, all in the Boise area. The first time we ate there was during our Boise trip in the summer of 2015 and we've been back every time we've visited my family in Idaho.
Mellow Mushroom is a pizza restaurant that also has burgers, sandwiches, cocktails, desserts, and more. Vegan or gluten-free? They've got lots of choices for you, too. Mellow Mushroom started in Atlanta in 1974. It now has many locations throughout the southern US, as well as a few in the midwest, one in Colorado, and two in Arizona. (Is it coming my way? Fingers crossed!) When I was researching our recent 5-state trip, Mellow Mushroom popped up on must-try restaurant lists in multiple cities we'd be visiting. We went during our January 2022 visit to Columbia and loved it.

Trevor's Eagle Project
- Be active in the troop for at least six months as a Life Scout.
- Demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Law and provide references.
- Earn at least 21 merit badges, including 13 specific required merit badges.
- Serve in a position of responsibility within the troop for six months while a Life Scout.
- While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community.
- While a Life Scout, participate in a Scoutmaster conference.
- Successfully complete a board of review for the Eagle Scout rank.
Then we loaded everything up and drove 25 miles to the California Raptor Center. This is the wall where his silhouettes will go, which is part of the Golden Eagle enclosure.
He was in the cage for about 20 minutes while Trevor directed everything from the best vantage point.
It was so exciting to see the silhouettes mounted on the wall after all that hard work. Here's the before and after: