I updated my post about entering my first-ever colored pencil contest with the (shocking) news that I got Honorable Mention in the Beginner category, but seeing it in print in the May issue of Colored Pencil Magazine (affiliate link) was thrilling. Check it out:
In case you haven't guessed, I now have a subscription to Colored Pencil Magazine. I also bought some very inexpensive back issues and have been savoring them; even though they're old, it's all new to me! The May issue has a new contest in it, the Wild Cat Art Challenge. I intend to enter, but I'm super intimidated. I have drawn a wild cat only once in my life and frankly, it's pretty bad. But no matter. Attempting it will teach me a lot, even if my end result is not all that great. And I might surprise myself and do better than I expect. I certainly did with the White to Bright Challenge!
Congrats! You did a great job!