

Cards for the COVID Eagle Scouts

I mentioned yesterday that Trevor, and much of the rest of his Scout troop, came home from summer camp with COVID. Obviously, there's nothing good about a group of teenage boys and their leaders getting sick, even if symptoms are mild. But like all things COVID, their positive tests affected more people than just them and their families. I'm talking specifically about the COVID Eagles. 

When a Scout reaches the rank of Eagle, his (or now, her) family starts planning an Eagle Court of Honor where the Scout is formally recognized and awarded their Eagle regalia. It's a big deal. (Trevor's will be in September.) For those who reached Eagle just before the pandemic, their already-scheduled Courts of Honor were postponed. And then postponed again... until they starting talking about not holding one. The Scouts in our troop who Eagled during the early part of the pandemic didn't even bother scheduling their Courts of Honor. They could have held a virtual or drive-by ceremony, but without exception, they decided not to hold one at all.  

Our troop wanted to give our six COVID Eagles, all of whom have aged out of the troop, the Court of Honor they deserved. Planning began for a ceremony began. It would take place four days after summer camp. And then, once again, COVID interfered. We rescheduled and now they have finally received the ceremony they've long deserved.    

These are three of the cards I made for them. The other three are duplicates of these. 

Congratulations to all Eagle Scouts and particularly those who didn't let a pandemic stop them from achieving their goals. You are amazing and I'm so glad we could honor you. 

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