

One Little Word 2023

This is my thirteenth year participating in Ali Edwards' One Little Word. My past words include: Balance (2011),
Celebrate (2012), Try (2013), Enjoy (2014), Relax (2015), Share (2016), Connect (2017), Believe (2018), Reach (2019), 
Focus (2020), Strengthen (2021), and Thrive (2022).   

My word for 2023 is Play. 

I'm a person who thrives on making lists and checking things off those lists. I like schedules and routines and getting things done. None of this is bad; I like this about myself. However, I don't do enough playing. By putting "play" on my to-do list for 2023, I'm giving myself permission to experiment and dabble and do things just because they're fun. 

I'm excited to play in 2023. 

As always, this year's One Little Word doesn't replace my previous words. I continue to live with Balance, Celebrate, Try, Enjoy, Relax, Share, Connect, Believe, Reach, Focus, Strengthen, and Thrive. All thirteen tags hang together in the craft room to motivate me. There are seven on the first string.

Play joins Believe, Reach, Focus, Strengthen, and Thrive on the second string of tags, which hangs directly below the first. 

Did you pick One Little Word for 2023? If you did, I'd love to hear what it is and why you chose it!

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