

Bash Bowl 2023: Forever in Our Hearts

This is the final layout I made during Bash Bowl 2023. That's the last photo I took of Trouble. I don't know if this will be the last layout I make about him (probably not) but it will be last chronologically in the album. We miss Trouble so much.  

Forever in Our Hearts (affiliate link)

As you can see, I used two items from the Bash Bowl playbook - circles and stitching. I played around with the other requirements (ribbon, chipboard, glitter, and mixed media) but it felt forced and I ultimately decided to keep this page as clean and simple as possible. 

This layout earned only 2 points for Twisted Scissors, but the extra 5 points I would have gotten for the touchdown wouldn't have made a difference. The Scrappin' Banshees beat us by 301 points (2885 to 2584) this week. The 248 participants on the two teams combined made over 3,300 layouts, which is awesome. Good job, everyone! I'm already looking forward to Bash Bowl 2024.

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